The Lonely Traveller

We were travellers across worlds
dazzling stars and lands far beyond peripheral sight,
the man who bore the fire of the sun 
in his crystalised eyes,
the passion for eternal knowledge 
bristling from your vivacious heart.

You took me by the hand
and we danced through the cosmos,
jumping from burning comets to shattered moons,
thrusting us both
into the shimmering tower of light
that befitted you a crown,
My King. 

From world to world we flew,
Botantist Gardens
rich with green glaciers that swam like tears,
the abode of Everyman
encompassing us in comfortable darkness,
the singing towers of Tortworth
that calmed us when we lost our way,
Withybrook’s winding rivers encased us
with a profound strength
that determined our next steps,
these steps took us to the four corners of the universe
to unearth every secret;
we were happy.

The planets guided us,
moulded the foundations of our very being
until it was time to rest
our weary heads
amongst a blanket of stars,
laid out by Asteria herself
for she took pity on the fatigued mortals,
the lonely travellers.

Time passed

as she often does fleetingly,
but something was different.
As the days fractured into months
you grew a shell
that you refused to withdraw from,
Helios’ fire had been extinguished 
from your eyes
and you could not stand the 
sheer touch of my hand in yours,
let alone a fraction of a forgotten kiss.
As if I were trivial matter,
an afterthought,
something had slipped from my grip, gone indefinitely,
and the swirling shadows of doubt
embraced me with open arms. 

Still, I pursued my dream
to see the stars,
to take a voyage to Dinah’s gazing orb
and watch our sleepy former world pass by from your ship.
Our Lana would lull us a lullaby
‘to be young and in love’. 
But you still took no notice,
for the travelling man longed to be 
Euphorically you would gallop
from world to world
in an untarnished vision in which
I no longer had a part to play.

It was time to be taken home,
so you took the scenic route
as it took longer;
you were delaying our inescapable fate.
We soared through the radiant Milky Way
and drowned in an abyss of colour
that brought tears to my eyes.
I couldn’t bear to cross the threshold
of the house that lost its light,
because I knew I would never return,
never to return to a life among the stars.
I turned back to you
my wandering traveller
and whispered 
“I was going to be with you, forever.”

No words fell from your lips,
simply a nod
and one lone iridescent tear  
that watered the first flower in months,
and then you were
scattered like dust
across the whole of time and space
never to be seen again.
My lonely traveller.


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